More and more people are moving portions of their assets offshore. Perhaps you’ve decided it’s a smart financial move for you as well. Now your search is on for the ideal bank in the perfect location. To narrow […]
More and more people are moving portions of their assets offshore. Perhaps you’ve decided it’s a smart financial move for you as well. Now your search is on for the ideal bank in the perfect location. To narrow […]
One of the biggest decisions anyone moving abroad has to make is where to live. No, not which country to move to – although, of course, that’s a vital decision in its own right. We’re talk about renting verses buying. […]
You wouldn’t dream of assuming that all domestic banking institutions are the same, so why lump all offshore banks together? The fact is that not all banks offer the same features or the same level of service. […]
Kareem Michael, Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, was recently on La Isla Bonita and had a working lunch at Blue Water Grill with a few members of award-winning Caye International Bank. Present during the lunch meeting were CIB President Luigi Wewege, COO Gladys […]
Luigi Wewege, the President at Caye International Bank, explained that Gold has a history of being the perfect asset class to hold in times of inflation. He stated, “Unlike some other types of investments, gold has a strong track record of holding up well during times of inflation. […]
Luigi Wewege was appointed as President of Caye International Bank in Belize, Internal promotion is a display of both loyalty and secrecy as in the offshore banking world you want to avoid hiring outsiders as much as possible. You handle marketing and promotions internally […]
People decide to move to other countries for many reasons. They may have to do with managing a health issue, starting afresh, or looking for the perfect place to retire. Some want a place to start a new business, while others – a growing number of others – can work […]
Investing is one of the most effective ways to build wealth and enjoy a secure financial future. You don’t have to limit your investment activity to opportunities found at home. It’s also possible to include offshore investments as part of the planning. Knowing more about […]
Your goal is to create a financial cushion that ensures money will not be a problem later in life. Even if your means are modest, it is possible to generate wealth that increases your financial net worth. Growing wealth requires resolve, commitment & occasionally […]
After visiting Belize as a tourist, many people find it to be the paradise home they’ve always wanted to live in. Perhaps you’re feeling the same. But before you decide, look beyond the beautiful weather, the friendly people, & the relaxed pace. You also need to consider […]
Also, at Caye you will find experts with global perspective and high technical knowledge specialized in managing and optimizing the wealth of all its clients. One of them is Luigi Wewege, President of Caye International Bank. He has an MBA from the MIB School of Management […]
Hay millones de individuos y familias que eligen vivir sus vidas en el extranjero y muchos motivos por los cuales toman esta decisión. Ya sea por seguir sus sueños de viajar por el mundo o por encontrar el mejor lugar donde jubilarse, todos los expatriados necesitan tener acceso a […]
En esta ocasión, nuestro experto en banca, Luigi Wewege, nos aclara algunos puntos importantes que tienen que ver con la banca internacional, sus ventajas, los tipos de cuentas disponibles y lo que es importante considerar al establecer una cuenta en el extranjero. La banca […]
¿Ha estado pensando en establecer una cuenta corriente o de ahorros en el extranjero? Quizás la idea de tener una cuenta de inversión en un banco offshore ha pasado por su mente. Si es así, este es el momento de explorar estas opciones en profundidad. Usted […]
Nadie tiene que convencerlo de que una cuenta de ahorros es una mala idea. Como inversión segura, este enfoque es difícil de sobrepasar. También tiene el beneficio de permitir separar fondos para todo tipo de propósitos mientras se reciben intereses. Mientras esto puede hacerse […]
Nadie vio venir el 2020, al menos no en la forma en la que vino. Muchos pensaron que sería un año muy parecido a lo que siempre había sido antes. Con el advenimiento de COVID-19, sectores de la comunidad financiera están aprendiendo a navegar en un mundo nuevo y extraño.
Establecer cuentas financieras offshore es una estrategia buenísima para proteger ciertos activos. Una de las herramientas a considerar es el fideicomiso internacional. No se trata solamente de establecer un fideicomiso en una jurisdicción cualquiera. Es conveniente […]
¿Le gustaría tener una propiedad en Belice? Quizá el plan sea comprar una casa vacacional que pueda disfrutar durante unos meses cada año. A lo mejor la idea es comprar una propiedad ahora que use para las vacaciones, pero que, eventualmente, será su hogar a […]
El mundo entero se está enfrentando a problemas financieros, sociales y de seguridad personal en una escala cada vez mayor. El Coronavirus es otro reto más dentro de este gran número de ataques a libertad personal y financiera, por lo que los expertos de Mundo Offshore […]
Si usted reside en los EE.UU. y posee alguna cuenta corriente, de ahorros o de inversión en el extranjero con alguna entidad bancaria foránea, existe una gran probabilidad de que deba tener lo que se conoce como un Informe de Cuenta Bancaria Extranjera.